If you come to Cres with public transportation you can choose bus on www.autotrans.hr
or the ship on www.jadrolinija.hr

Weather near Cres NOW!

Click for Rijeka, Croatia Forecast


Ferry schedule : Valbiska - Merag :: Brestova - Porozina


31.05. - 28.09.

Brestova (mainland) Porozina (Island Cres)
00:30 (28.06. - 08.09.) 02:00 (28.06. - 08.09.)
02:30 (28.06. - 08.09.) 04:00 (28.06. - 08.09.)
04:30 (28.06. - 08.09.) 06:00
06:30 07:00
07:30 08:00
08:30 09:00
09:30 10:00
10:30 11:00
11:30 12:00
12:30 13:00
13:30 14:00
14:30 15:00
15:30 16:00
16:30 17:00
17:30 18:00
18:30 19:00
19:30 20:00
20:30 22:00 (13.06. - 14.09.)
22:30 (13.06. -14.09.) 24:00 (27.06. - 07.09.)


31.05. - 28.09.

Valbiska (Island Krk) Merag (Island Cres)
05:45 06:30
07:15 08:30
09:15 10:00
10:30 11:15
12:00 12:30
13:15 13:45 (21.06. - 14.09.)
14:15 (21.06. - 14.09.) 15:00
15:30 16:15
17:00 17:30
18:15 19:00
19:30 20:30
21:00 (21.06. - 14.09.) 21:30 (21.06. - 14.09.)
22:00 22:30




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